Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We were able to teach 4 children in November who were baptized. It is so fun to teach them and then see their smiling faces when they come out of the water. We are grateful to be a part of it.

We have been able to visit two Temples this month. We drove 4-1/2 hours to the SnowFlake, Arizona Temple with 12 members of our ward. The session was in Navajo so everyone understood it but us and another member who is Sioux. We wore headphones. The decorations were beautiful native woven rugs and pottery. We also drove 3-1/2 hours to the Monticello, Utah Temple with the other missionaries in the New Mexico Farmington Mission.

For Thanksgiving we had a great dinner with the other senior couples and our Mission President and his wife. There was lots to eat and fun entertainment. It helped so we didn't miss our family quite so much.

Arizona has so many kinds of beauty. A member here took us to see the White Mesa Arch on her father's property where she grew up. He is still using the old sheep pen. She then took us to her husband's family property to see the Eggshell Arch. We had some good hikes that day.

Another day we went looking for dinosaur bones & tracks. Pretty interesting!!

We are so happy to see our ward members understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to serve one another. We have witnessed much progress while we have been here in Kaibeto. We have made so many wonderful friends.