Thursday, March 24, 2011


We went to see Monument Valley with another senior couple last Saturday. Wow, is it gorgeous. John Wayne must have had quite a time making movies in that location. It was fun to see the amazing rock formations and the movie sets. We have always wanted to go there. Daylight savings time was quite interesting for us this year. Arizona does not change their time, but the Reservation does. A lot of the people in our community work in Page, Arizona so some of them go by Page time and some go by Reservation time. We didn't know!! The first day we got to church an hour early and nobody was there. We also had two appointments that week that we were early for. Now we ask, "Is that Page time or daylight savings time?" We have had sun, wind, rain, snow, and mud (red mud). It is hard to keep the carpet clean. Our carpet in the trailer was cleaned yesterday and is dirty already. Oh well. Guess we are real missionaries now. We got burned three times on Wednesday. (We got to our teaching appointments and they didn't show up.) Our Primary had a great activity last Thursday night. There were 12 children who attended. (12 little Indian kids.) They are adorable. After two little lessons we made kites. They even went out in the dark parking lot and ran back and forth to fly them. Then we had great Navajo tacos. It was so fun. Elder Payne was able to give two blessings this week. We have visited with quite a few people who haven't been to church in a long time and are looking forward to starting again. We love these people

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Life on the "Res."

We thought you would like to see what our trailer really looks like. We also have a few more horsepower than in the first picture we sent. Boy, are we glad we have a truck! These roads are crazy. We are very comfortable in our little blue trailer. As you can see, it is pretty nice inside. It has been fun to make a few changes to make it feel like "home." Thank goodness for Walmart.

We have met many new friends and know most of their names. We go out visiting everyday and inviting people to join us at church. Today we made appointments to teach 5 new people. On March 11 the sisters celebrated the Relief Society Birthday by having a wonderful dinner. There were 25 women who came so it was a great success. (I knew everyone's names but one.)

Today we had 46 people at Sacrament Meeting. We have a lot of work to do. But that is why we are here and we are enjoying it. It was Fast and Testimony meeting. Our hearts were touched as we listened to these wonderful people recount their blessings and gratefulness to be members of the Church.
We are grateful to be missionaries, but we miss you all.

E & S Payne

Friday, March 4, 2011


We arrived here on February 14. It has taken us two weeks to unpack, figure out what our assignment really is, how to do it, get the internet installed, and how to find our way around.

We don't have an address so these were the directions to our new home. From the highway, turn right at the Kaibeto sign, go 1 mile to the trading post, follow the paved road southwest to the dirt road. Take a left and follow the fence to the water tower. Take the second left and go to the end of that fence. Make a hard left, following the fence again down the wash 2 blocks to the Church.

Our assignment is to provide shadow leadership to our ward leaders and re-find, re-teach, and train the 500 members of our ward who are not coming on Sunday. We are also assigned to a branch in Inscription House, Arizona about 30 minutes away with the same situation.

We love the Navajos and are very happy to be here. We have been visiting members and investigators and have taught 2 lessons.

This is beautiful country! The sky and rock formations are breathtaking!